In this document, the following terms are explained as follows:

“Siticone” refers to Siticone Framework Development Team and its Partners.

“We/Us” (Upper, Normal or Lower Case) refers to Siticone Framework Development Team and its Partners.

“Customer” means an individual or a legal entity purchasing a product offered by Siticone Framework Development Team and its Partners.

“User” refers to an individual or a legal entity using any product(s) offered by Siticone Framework Development Team and its Partners.

“Product” refers to Siticone Framework with its company being Siticone Framework Development Team.

You are hereby accepting these terms by placing an order for Product with Us. Orders placed by you directly or via an external distributor, are subject to these terms and conditions.


You’re fully responsible for keeping your activation code, email address and password confidential. You’re also responsible for any account that you have access to, whether or not you authorized the access. In case of suspected unauthorized use, you’ll immediately notify us. We will not be responsible for any losses due to stolen or hacked activation codes, emails and code passwords.


We do not arbitrate disputes over who owns an account / license. You won’t request access to or information about an account / license that’s not yours, and you’ll resolve any account-related disputes directly with the other party. We decide who owns an account / license based on the content of the emails in that account, and if multiple people or entities are identified in the content, then we’ll rely on the contact information listed for that account.


Customer may place an order with Us via:

1. Online, using the product website

The following terms shall apply:

a. Order details shall be in English or any language supported by Google Translate.

b. Customer can modify order details before acceptance of the Customer order.

c. English is the preferred language for order-related enquiries.

d. Any order is not binding until accepted by Us.

Non-acceptance of an order may be the result of one of the following:

a. failed payment

b. growing backlog

c. negative payment history

d. incomplete or incorrect order details such as missing e-mail address for delivery, missing Customer billing address, or a pricing or product description error, among others.

e. ineligibility according to the order criteria (e.g. entitlement to upgrade or to certain Product purchase options restricted to particular users or purpose of use).

Customer my place order via our accredited software distributors as well. The terms and conditions here shall apply as well.


We set prices and accepts payments for our Products in the following currency: United States Dollar ($ USD). Prices are subject to change by Us and We reserve that right. We accepts major debit and credit cards (collectively, “payment cards”). We are not responsible for any payment failure resulting from inaccurate payment card details provided by Customer when placing an online order, any restrictions applicable to payment card by Customer’s bank, or payment gateway failure. We only accepts purchase orders from Customers with clear payment history. We work with partners such as PayPal, etc. to process payments and you fully accept and consent that all our partners process payments on our behalf and collect your data related to order processing.


We ship no physical Products. Any details necessary to enable Customer to download and/or use the purchased Product (including license keys or access details where applicable) will be delivered by Us to the Customer via e-mail to an e-mail address provided by Customer. Customer is responsible for providing Us with a correct, valid and accurate e-mail address for delivery purposes. No shipment is charged by Us for delivery. We will do our best to deliver Product(s) purchased and other related activation information by Customer instantly via download and/ or email. We shall not be liable for any failure to deliver Product within a reasonable timeframe.


Any free trial must be used within the specified time outlined by Us. The free trial service will stop upon expiry date and the product will stop working. Should that happen, users are advice to purchase an activation code in order to continue using the product. We reserve the right to notify the user that the product trial or subscription period has expired. The product will simply stop working.


Product prices do not include any national, state or local sales, use, value added or other taxes. Customer shall pay any/all such taxes, if applicable. Customer bears sole responsibility for any withholding tax liabilities, and no deductions shall be made by Customer from the amount payable to Us under our invoice.


Any refund request following the Product purchase date will be subject to the prior authorization by Us and acceptance of such request shall be at our sole discretion.


You are free to distribute the Product to friends, family, colleagues.


No terms and conditions other than the terms and conditions contained herein shall be binding upon Us and all it's authorised distributors unless accepted by us in writing signed by our duly authorized representative. If Customer’s terms and conditions of purchase are different from or in addition to these Purchase Terms, these Purchase Terms shall prevail. These Purchase Terms and any end-user license agreements or terms of use applicable to Products are subject to change by Us without notice. The Customer MUST regularly visit this section of the website to keep upto date with these binding terms and conditions.


You hereby agree that We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses resulting from the use of or inability to use the service


We do not warrant that the Service or Product will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free. We do not warrant that the quality of the products, information, service, or other material purchased or obtained by you through the website will meet your standards, or that any errors in the Product will be guaranteed to be fixed.


The information you provide us with will be used according to our privacy policy. The referred privacy policy is part if this terms and conditions.


We will not be held liable for any delays or failure in performance of any part of the Service, from any cause beyond our control. This includes, but is not limited to, natural disasters, changes to law or regulations, embargoes, war, terrorist acts, riots, fires, earthquakes, nuclear accidents, zombie apocalypse, floods, strikes, power blackouts, volcanic action, unusually severe weather conditions, unforseen disasters, foreseen disasters, and acts of hackers or third-party internet service providers.


If it turns out that a section of this Agreement is not enforceable, then that section will be removed or amended as necessary, the rest of the Terms will still be valid.


Should this Agreement be terminated, the following sections will continue to apply: Proprietary Rights Owned by Us, Proprietary Rights Owned by You, Compliance with Laws, Limitation of Liability, No Warranties, Indemnity, Choice of Law, Severability, and Entire Agreement.


Amendments or changes to these Terms won’t be effective until we post revised Terms on the Website. If we don’t immediately take action on a violation of these Terms, we’re not giving up any rights under the Terms, and we may still take action at some point.


You may not assign any of your rights under this agreement to anyone else. We may assign our rights to any other individual or entity at our discretion. We reserved the full rights.


We are not responsible for the behavior of any advertisers, linked websites, or other Members.


In the event of a security breach that may affect you or anyone with an account, we will do our best to notify you of the breach within 96 hours and provide a description of what happened. Should we prompt you further action you should take e.g. change of password etc. please take those steps as you are responsible to your account management.


These terms and conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with laws of Zimbabwe, and any disputes relating to these terms and conditions will be subject to the [non-]exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the republic of Zimbabwe and/or Zimbabwe. This will be decided by Us and we reserve the right.
Updated: Saturday 21 September 2024

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